There's no reason you shouldn't be making
at least $10,000 every month.

In my first year I made $10,000. Now, I make $10,000 in a few days.

If I've learned anything it's that your action, your knowledge, your skills, your mindset work - it all compounds.

However, most people are still stuck making very piddly amounts of money years into their business. Why is that?

I've been in business over 8 years now and I really see how the thing that's actually in your way of making the money that can give you an incredible amount of comfort and freedom is you.

Whether it's procrastination, not doing the work, making it more complicated than it needs to be or focusing on the wrong tasks. 

These are just a few of the things I see most entrepreneurs get caught up in day in and day out.

Let me be really clear: It doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't have to be stressful. It doesn't have to be this big grandiose thing. 

You can make huge amounts of traction starting exactly where you are, if you know what to focus on.

In my $10k in 2 days training I show how easy you can make it.

 In this mini course I teach.. 

  • How I made $10k in 2 days with zero stress and total ease 
  • What I did to create a buying list of 169 people 
  • The emails and free content I created to promote the course 
  • How I created real urgency to encourage students to purchase 
  • The energy and mindset to be in to allow in the students and money with ease 
  • How to not get attached to the results 
  • How to receive guidance on your next course & launch

Contact information

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Yes please! Add the Monetize Everything workshop to my order!

Special one-time offer, only $47! (Normally $97)
Here's what you'll learn:

- Monetizing anything that's in full alignment with you & your business
- How to ALWAYS come up with ideas of what to sell on the spot
- Taking any situation & turning it into a wildly monetizable opportunity
- How to know what ideas will sell & how to sell them quickly
- Creating offers that are SO in-demand they basically sell themselves
- How to think like a wealthy business owner that makes money 24/7 - - The aligned audience you need to target to thrive at all times
- Why people don't really buy your products but invest in your energy
- My daily money making schedule and money mindset routine
- Plus, your monetization questions answered!

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Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1x$10k in 2 Days$27

All prices in USD
