As you probably know, I love selling.
I used to hate it though.

I used to think it was sooooooo spammy.

But what I didn't know at the time was that not all styles of selling are equal.

I thought I had to be the hard seller (think wolf of wall street) and be super pushy and not allow someone a choice.

Like it was, "Buy this now or you will die."

It wasn't until I learned how to sell in a way that felt good to me that I was able to sell without fear or having that icky feeling of pushiness.

I realized I was a soft seller.

Someone who shares what they have to offer more subtly while also giving value.

That's my style and I love it, and that's also why I created this awesome little guide called 62 Ways to Make Sales Today.

It shares 62 different tips on ways you can make sales that are both styles of selling.

You can pick and choose which one's you'd like to implement and leave the rest.

And best of all, it's only $7 bucks! Woo! 


  • Pre-sales activities that prime your mind for abundance and sales
  • Easy things you can implement right now on your website to make sales
  • 10 different email marketing tips for generating income
  • Daily social media strategies for bringing in the bacon
  • What kind of incentives you can use to encourage your potential customer to purchase
  • A ton of extra (and sometimes odd) ideas for making money
  • Plus, how to continue making sales AFTER your customer or client purchases

These tips and strategies are simple things that you can implement TODAY to start making more money in your business.

Plus, once you automate a lot of them you will then able to focus on the things you really enjoy doing in your business.

"I got way too many ideas to make sales. I am already working on a free course on how to make your first dollar during these lockdown. I will upsell another course with it. Thank you!" 

Sam N

Total Value: $19

 Today's Price: $7 

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Special one-time offer, only $7! (Normally $27)

  • How I madw $1385 in 24 hours from a $7 dollar offer
  • Exactly what I did to sell the offer
  • How to sell through creative writing
  • How adding an upsell increased my sales by 17%
  • Mistakes I made with the offer
  • A full list of the metrics and conversion rates
  • Plus, tips on what your next $7 dollar offer could be

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  • 1x62 Ways to Make Sales$7

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