There is never enough – only just enough to get by

I’m really bad with money – I spend it all and never save

Having more money than I need is greedy and selfish

I have to take care of everyone so I’d rather not have any

You have to work like a dog and sacrifice many things to be rich

My partner will leave/cheat on me if I make more money

Luck always happens for someone else – never me

Something will happen and I’ll lose all my money

I’m just blocked all the time – I repel money!

I don’t deserve more money – I’m not worthy of more

Oh you do? That makes you and all of us!

Most of us were never taught how to work with money (let alone how to build a nurturing relationship where we co-create with the universe to bring more of it into our lives). That’s why we’re pretty united in our experiences of our finances being a total struggle.

Debt is racking up, bills are looming and the idea of making the money of our dreams seems like pure fantasy. It feels like everyone else is “getting it” and hitting their goals, making the money and manifesting their desires and you’re sitting there wondering how you’re getting it so wrong.

But here’s the truth..

You’re not getting it wrong! You’re always taking little steps, sometimes ahead, sometimes sideways and sometimes in circles. But no matter how small, progress is always being made.

However, if you want to learn how to not just manifest money and abundance but heal your relationship with your finances and increase your income capacity permanently, you just need the tools to help you access that part of you where transformation and manifesting takes place.

Abundant AF is my transformative money mindset and manifestation 5 week course. Through powerful lessons, journal exercises and affirmations, you will gain to tools to help you heal your relationship with money, receiving more abundance and manifest more financial wealth into your life permanently.

I will show how to clean up your mindset around money, raise your income capacity and give you the tools you need to shift how you feel about money at any moment and help attract more to you instead.

By the end of this course you will be living in a completely different vibration and energy around money, wealth and abundance. You will know how to manifest money fast, how to create excess amounts so you always have more than enough, but most importantly, you will know how to stay in that vibration and continue to increase it.


WEEK 1: Creating the Roadmap to Your Desires

We start off the course with getting very clear about what exactly you want. What is in the core of your heart and soul, and then we map out your blueprint to getting there. You'll learn how to envision it so clearly that it manifest faster than you could imagine possible.

WEEK 2: Uncovering & Healing The Money Stories Keeping You Stuck

In this module we dive deep into your limiting money beliefs, where they came from, how they’ve been playing out in your current reality and why. This is deep healing work that creates the space for these deep beliefs to be cleared and released once and for all.

WEEK 3: Dropping the Scarcity & Clearing Your Money Blocks

This module focuses on releasing all the limiting money beliefs you’ve acquired over your lifetime with powerful money block and manifestation tools. You’ll also gain the knowledge and methods on how to shift new limiting beliefs into abundant beliefs whenever they arise.

WEEK 4: The Mindset of Surplus & the Energy of Abundance

Now the fun really starts! You’ll start doing the vibration and energy work on living in the energy of already having what you desire – massive wealth and abundance – and you’ll learn how to continuously stay in this vibe to close the gap between you and your desires and manifest fast!

WEEK 5: Receiving with Ease & Taking the Path of Least Resistance

In week 4 you learn exactly how step into the vibration of receiving so that your desires come to you with very little effort. You’ll learn what inspired action really is and how to manufacture it whenever you want so that you can always be taking the path of least resistance to cash.
 TODAYS PRICE: $555 $55 
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  • 1xAbundant As F*ck$555

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“Elise opened my eyes to money mindset last year. I was very excited when Elise started talking about the same subject. I would have paid double for this detailed program. Quite a few aha moments with my money stories and beliefs. But my most amazing manifestation was a tax rebate of £3000 – oh and £10 on the lottery! Thankful for both. I'd recommend Abundant AF because it works! It gives a much needed deep dive on your money mindset and focus on where you need to improve.”

Abundant AF Student

"I needed this course. I didn’t think twice. And I can’t describe how happy I am with my decision. Things got so busy that I only went through the first three days at this time. But 10 days after doing Day 3 and constantly running my affirmations and goals in my head, I had the surprise abundance of roughly $2000 that not only paid off my credit card debt, but has provided the long waited chance of finally “catching up” with expenses after switching careers two years ago.” 

Abundant AF Student

“A lot of really interesting things manifested for me. Other things manifested but in unexpected ways. [My favorite parts were] Practicing writing out affirmations, the journal work and just really thinking about what I want. [I’d recommend the course because] it is a great way for people to tap into what they really want.” – Irma

Abundant AF Student

“I wanted to share my feedback because I love women in business that are killing it and you should know that I have nothing bad to say. It was ALL good. The exercises were so great, so on point, so mindful and it is working. My money mindset was jacked and I feel a huge sense of release and relief. I feel at ease and in flow. So thank you, huge thank you!!!”

Abundant AF Student

"After rewriting my limiting beliefs, I just had “I am safe” and “I am worthy” circling in my head. Tears started rolling down my face as I got to the affirmations because, there they were, “I am safe” and “I’m worthy of everything I desire,” there to tell me what I already know I need to believe. There’s a lot of feelings going on over here, and a lot of things needing to be erased. I just wanted to say thank you so much for this experience and for your very inspired guidance." – McKenzie

Abundant AF Student

"I realized my money issues are rooted in my childhood and past lives. I've done some serious digging and it defenitely changed me. I'm still working on it, but at least I'm earning some money now. The forgiveness work [was my favorite part]. I'd absolutely recommend Abundant AF, it's deep and to the point." 

Abundant AF Student