"I'm dyyyying to join your course but it's way too expensive. Can you give me a discount?"

"I want you to coach me but I'm struggling financially and can't afford it."

"I took your course but it was more for beginners so I'd like a refund."

Sound familiar?

In business, people are going to overstep your boundaries all the time. Whether it's customers, clients, followers, staff, partners, friends or family. It's inevitable and it's a rite of passage.

But the fact that people have the audacity to do it, isn't actually your problem. What is your problem is how YOU handle their overstepping.

I'm not gonna lie, when you're new in business and you're putting yourself out there and doing the big scary things, it's disheartening and confronting when someone expects you to look over their Pinterest account and tell them what they need to improve when they haven't paid for your time, or when they demand a refund because they didn't actually read the sales page, or even when they accuse you of being a scammer because they downloaded the wrong file - yeah, that really happened.

If you've never experienced push back from a client or the world's craziest customer, it's very easy to want to keep the peace and give in to their requests and let them walk all over you because it's far worse to have someone upset at you or to lose them as a customer.. right?


It's far worse constantly walking on eggshells with your customers and being a total push over in your own business. 

You're going to be put in sticky situations and awkward scenarios, and you're going to have obstacles to overcome. That's okay! It all makes you a better business owner.

What's not okay is choosing to hide and give in to ridiculous requests of people who have no problem taking advantage of you if you let them.

You are the BOSS, remember?

And as the leader of YOUR business, it's your job to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, setting clear as fuck boundaries and being okay with pissing anyone off who oversteps them.

Over the years you will get much better at this. You'll get to a place of concrete confidence in putting your foot down when anyone comes at you with some buffoonery. YEAH, THAT'S AN ACTUAL WORD. But, until then, you need some help.


Bitch Better Have Some Boundaries: Copy & Paste Responses to Use When People Overstep Your Boundaries in Business

You need a resource you can always refer to if you run into any awkward and uncomfortable situations. That's why I've created my online handbook of copy & paste scripts you can use for every sticky scenario you may come up against in your business.

Some of these scenarios include graceful responses to people who:

  • Ask for discounts
  • Want to pick your brain
  • Try to get free coaching
  • Late on payments
  • Demand refunds
  • Make ridiculous claims against you
  • Need hand holding (and haven't paid for it)
  • Want premium support for a low-cost product they purchased
  • Have never purchased from you and are totally wasting your time
  • Want to collaborate but you're not interested
  • Customer service queries and issues
  • Staff - hiring, firing, deadlines & improvements
  • Negative naysayers and the downright crazies
  • And tons more!

It's important to become comfortable with having the tough conversations. From talking with potential customers, to managing existing clients, to communicating with staff, it gives you power and confidence over your own domain.

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  • 1xB*tch Better Have Some Boundaries$97

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