Ready to become utterly irresistible to money?!?
I know that you KNOW you were made for a high quality RICH life filled with ease, expansion and luxury.

You're not afraid to admit how high your standards are because you know you back them up with your own high value nature.

You were BORN to be magnetic as f*ck and have no doubt that you are the Queen, main character and wealthy heroine of your story.

And when it comes to money, you KNOW it exists to support your biggest goals, dreams and desires. It's made to serve YOU and your needs. You do not seek it out, it only pursues and supplies you.

But there's just one teeny tiny problem you need a little help fixing..

You don't fully embody this yet.

You know you're meant for ALL of the above but..

It's not habitual, yet.

It's not inherent, yet.

It's not playing out in your 3D reality, yet.

And that's because there's an identity shift that's required.

Becoming magnetic to money comes down to two things:

1) Who you believe you are.
2) How you believe money works for you. 

It's how you be and what you know, intrinsically.

But more often than not, what we desire and how we see ourselves in relation to our desires are oceans apart.

And in this instance, that can result in you feeling at odds with money or frustrated that your expectation does not match reality or like an actual repellent to money - which does not fit well into your desire for luxury and riches!

But let's get honest here for a second... 

If I was to take a peek into your brain, would I find thoughts and assumptions that support your unbridled magnetism to money or would I find a lot of opposition to that?

Have you truly been seeing money and yourself differently to what you have been experiencing? Or has it been more of the same?

This is what I mean about identity shifting. You must go ALL IN.

That's why I have created the Irresistible to Money bundle. 

This bundle was created for the woman who KNOWS she was made for massive ease, luxury and expansion and is UNAPOLOGETIC about claiming it. It's for the woman who has decided RICH is her birthright and IRRESISTIBILITY is her calling card.

I wanted this bundle to help the women who were tired of playing small and sensible with their money desires and have chosen to expand beyond what they've experienced before through amplifying their magnetism instead of their physical effort.

It's through this identity that literal MAGIC will occur with money, income, business (and everything else). And if this is what you desire for your own experience, the Irresistible to Money bundle is perfect for you!

Because, Queen, it's time to magnetize and receive!


Video 1: Create Your Money Love Story 

In this video I share how to start looking at money through the lens of a love story instead of a horror story. You'll learn how to start creating a reciprocal dynamic of love, trust and respect with money which will start changing your 3D experience with it. You'll love this training!

Video 2: Manifest Money From Flow Not Force or Anxiety

In this video you'll learn how be with money in a state of flow and tap into peace, calm and beingness without making rules and conditions that prevent that. This is where you'll begin to exercise your faith and trust and let the god/universe take care of the details while you let yourself create from fun, flow and ease.

Video 3: The Feminine Frequency of Receiving Money

In this video, you'll learn how to sink into the experience of receiving money instead of always hustling for money. You'll learn to start tapping into your feminine receptive energy to help you start manifesting from a state of ease and attraction.

Video 4: How to Let Money Be F*cking Easy

In this video I share how you can start developing new assumptions on letting money FINALLY be easy and how to start choosing a new character and building a new identity that compliments those assumptions. You'll learn how to become the exception to the rule and how to stop making the 3D mean unideal things.

Video 5: The Irresistible to Money Identity

In this video I share what the irresistible to money identity is, how to turn on your money magnetism, why a magnetic state is potent af, how to feel pursued by money + tools and practices to start embodying the identity

Note: Videos 1 - 4 are recordings of past live session I filmed inside Money Mindset School. Video 5 is an extra lesson I created for the course.

Any questions, contact us!
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Everything you'll receive in QTMS:

Video 1: Create Your Money Love Story 

Video 2: Manifest Money From Flow Not Force or Anxiety

Video 3: The Feminine Frequency of Receiving Money

Video 4: How to Let Money Be F*cking Easy

Video 5: The Irresistible to Money Identity

Homework: Deep-seated homework to bring out the answers within, break your limiting patterns + shift to abundance

Instant access to all the content + any new content added in the future

Lifetime access for as long as the bundle exists

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Special Offer
Want my popular Abundant AF course for 90% off? (Normally $555)

Get access to my 5 module course Abundant AF on releasing your money blocks, increasing your income capacity and manifesting radical abundance for only $55!

Through powerful lessons, journal exercises and affirmations, you will gain to tools to help you heal your relationship with money, receiving more abundance and manifest more financial wealth into your life permanently.

Module 1: Creating the Roadmap to Your Desires

Module 2: Uncovering & Healing The Money Stories Keeping You Stuck

Module 3: Dropping the Scarcity & Clearing Your Money Blocks

Module 4: The Mindset of Surplus & the Energy of Abundance

Module 5: Receiving with Ease & Taking the Path of Least Resistance

By the end of this course you will be living in a completely different vibration and energy around money, wealth and abundance. You will know how to manifest money fast, how to create excess amounts so you always have more than enough, but most importantly, you will know how to stay in that vibration and continue to increase it.

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