Here's what I know for sure: You think yourself into your reality every. single. day.

And when it comes to creating, making, allowing & receiving massive amounts of money, abundance and success your mind needs to be primed and focused on that for it to be a reality.

BUT here's the crazy part, most people don't do a SINGLE thing about making that happen.

They run the same thoughts as last week, last month and last year on autopilot.

They keep playing out the same stories and patterns day after day. 

Their future looks exactly the same as the past - broke, exhausted and struggling

They desperately want it to be different AND YET they keep thinking, speaking and doing the same shit over and over! 


I know for a FACT that every single thing you want, desire, dream of is absolutely 100% attainable for you.

I know that the impossible can be made possible every single day if you want it to.

And I know that the only thing you have to do is laser in on it and call it in!

As the director of your life you have so much power to re-write, re-word and re-think your destiny to receive everything you desire.

But where people get it soooooo wrong is not making any movement toward it and instead getting caught up in overwhelm, self-doubt and the low-vibe drama of life which results in total sabotage and abandonment of themselves, of their dreams and of their desires.

But what if there was a way to be 100% certain about every move you make in your business?

What if you knew each step forward because you were fully tuned in to yourself and your power?

What if you knew exactly how to create, allow and receive massive amounts of money, abundance and success that's aligned with YOU?

What if you could easily get the answer to anything you weren't sure about?

What if you could quickly make decisions that best served you in reaching your greatness?

What if all your choices, opportunities and possibilities could be made every single day with clarity and focus before you even got out of bed?

You can. Here's how:


 In this ebook you'll receive: 

  • 63 powerful mind-expanding journal prompts to help you create mega success in business, money and life
  • 21 pages to fill out (or use your own journal)

 After finishing the prompts you'll know: 

  • How to call in the money you desire from your biz & life
  • What aligned action steps to take in your business
  • The life you desire and how to create it
  • What your purpose is and how to begin living it
  • How to create incredible relationships with those you love
  • And so much more!

Learn to give everything you desire to yourself through the written word and manifest all your desires with ease!

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Special one-time offer, only $19! 
Here's what you'll get:

  • 60+ prompts and exercises for becoming a Rich Babe CEO
  • Clarification around money mindset, business and personal desires
  • Loads of reflective and soulful questions to help you get clarity
  • Cheatsheets for content, social media, email list building, products & services and sales
  • Worksheets for literally EVERYTHING including social media, email list building and email marketing, products & services, sales planning, monthly offers promos and more
  • Lists of tools and resources to use to run your business

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  • Total payment
  • 1xJournal Prompts for Success$27

All prices in USD
