Back in 2018 when I was living it up like a Texan in Houston - ohhhhhh how I miss the BBQ, margaritas and Tex-Mex..... - I came up with an idea for some digital products. I wanted to test out whether I could make some serious cash, and fast.

There were a few topics I was wanting to teach on but I didn't want to create an enormous course around the topic. A workshop or mini-course was sufficient enough. But I hadn't sold just a workshop or video training before, I had only ever done ebooks or courses, so I wasn't sure if this was actually something that would sell well.

I thought to myself, what if I just sold the idea of the workshop training first before I created it to see if there's any actual interest in this?


I'd never done it before but as you might know, I love to test out new ideas and experiment with my offers so I figured, what the hell. The three ideas I had were on tripwire pages, email list building and how I made $30k from my ebook.


How do I make ENSURE that these offers sell FAST during a pre-sell period so I know to create the workshop?

I make them a limited time offer!

As you probably know by now, limited-time offers are extremely effective and have been known to drive sales conversions up by 80%. This is because they prompt your potential customer to make a decision rather than sit with the attitude of, "It's always available, I can get it whenever."

And if we're being completely honest here, you want your customers to be decision-makers and not sit on the fence forever. And that's why I decided to create my limited-time workshop offers.

Just from those three offers alone I pulled in almost $4000 dollars.

Not bad for an idea and a couple of emails, right?

Honestly, I was so freakin' stoked with the results considering not all of my ideas are winners!

But that's the power of email, and it was actually so freakin' fun to do! And when you have the formula on how to do it, it makes having a profitable day a done deal.

So, tell me, would you like to learn how I did that? Would you like to learn how you can make FAST income in a matter of days? I know you do.

That's why I created... PRE-SELL LIKE A BOSS

  • 7 days of lessons to plan, create & sell your limited time offer (with homework!)
  •  The exact email scripts you need to run your offer
  • Day 1: How to choose and create your offer using what you've already got!
  • Day 2: Defining your audience & packaging up your offer to make it juicyyy
  • Day 3: Getting clear on the messaging around your offer
  • Day 4: Launch day! Starting your limited-time offer with a bang & get those first sales!
  • Day 5: How to show off your credibility to reassure your potential customers 
  • Day 6: My formula to handling any objections your potential customer has 
  • Day 7: The final push you need to make for those last minute sales!

The Pre-Sale Formula was created to help you create AND SELL your own limited time offer in 7 days to get a fast cash injection for your business!

This is a 7 day course that requires ACTION, so you need to be ready to put in the work because you will end it having made ACTUAL SALES.

And the best part is you can re-use this strategy over and over again as much as you like whenever you nee an extra boost in income.


If making money FAST whether it's because you are in a tight situation and need it, you've got your eye on a course you want to invest in or you just want to learn a new way to make offers to your audience in a way that's actually super fun, I highly recommend investing in this offer.

Rae Targos
Pre-Sell Like A Boss Student

"Holy s**tballs! I'm in the final few hours of my offer and I have made $500 dollars in the last 3 days with a $25 product and a small list. Even though I didn't manage to send an email out one day, I had no expectations but thought I could probably make around $250 despite not having much list growth since I first launched the product. It's the lowest hanging fruit!"

Total Value: $297

 Today's Price: $297 $97 

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Yes, add the '62 Ways to Make Sales Today' guide to my order!

Special one-time offer, only $7!
Here's what you'll learn in the ebook: 
  • Pre-sales activities that prime your mind for sales 
  • Easy things you can implement on your website to make money
  • 10 email marketing tips for generating income 
  • Daily social media strategies for creating cashflow
  • Incentives you can use to encourage your customer to purchase more
  • A ton of extra (and odd) ideas for making money 
  • Plus, how to continue making sales AFTER your customer purchases

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  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Pre-Sale Formua$97

All prices in USD