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Imagine going from €18 euro to $30,000 in 3 months..
​I know what you're probably thinking, "How in the high blood sugar do you make that kind of jump!?" 

Inheritance? Lottery win? Hawking a kidney on the black market?

How does, "After a panic attack from checking my bank balance," sound? #truestory

In 2019, I made a commitment to master money. I wasn't new to money mindset work, but up until that point no matter how many money goals I set, how much I tracked my income or how much gratitude I practiced, my relationship with money was dysfunctional AF!

It wasn't until a trip to Europe later that year that I discovered why.

Overspending, debt racking up and money continuously draining from my accounts. It was impossible not to notice the gargantuan red flags.

Everything finally came tumbling down when I checked my account balance and discovered only €18 euro remaining for the weekend.

To say I panicked was an understatement. 

 My natural reaction was to use brute force and take an inordinate amount of action to make some money right away, but it wouldn't have changed the fact I had still to survive on €18 euro for the weekend. 

The only terrifying option I had left was to surrender to it and hope to God I came out on the other side of it.

This is when my journey of quitting the money struggle truly began. 

After an emotionally tumultuous four weeks of shedding old patterns, fears and emotional wounds, getting everything I wanted was the last thing I thought would happen.

But 3 months after that incident I had:

  • Committed to a daily money mindset practice that rapidly accelerated my results (and was so much fun to do) 
  • Reached $30,000 months in my business (I was making around 8 - 10k beforehand) 
  • Saved over $5000 (I'd never saved that much in my life!) 
  • Paid off ALL of my debt! (Cancelled all of my credit cards except one)
  • Created a spending fund of $1000 week to give myself space to have fun (this is really important so you don't berate yourself for spending)
  • Changed my entire identity around money, how I viewed and treated it, how I saw myself with it and how I used it.
  • And most importantly, reached a place of deep peace, security and safety within about money.

This all happened because I dared to go deeper and look at what was really going on within, shift it all to change who I now identified as with money and recreate my entire relationship with it.

Although at times being with myself and my fears felt unbearable, the way I live, breathe and experience money now as a result of it was 1,000,000% worth it.

This is exactly what I want for you..

I want you to experience a full 180 and identity shift with money just like I did.

I want you to truly quit your money struggle and allow money to be SIGNIFICANTLY easier for you.

I want you to break through your own limits and fears and become a money manifesting machine! (Everything you want is quite literally on the other side of fear and discipline!)

I want you to truly see and know your power as the creator of your reality and become the abundance, safety and freedom you desire and deserve.

And I want you to be emailing me one day very soon telling me, "OMG Elise! I just manifested my goal of $X! It happened!!!”

In my brand new Quit The Money Struggle ebook, I'll be sharing with you..

  • The EPIC story on how I quit my own money struggle
  • My step-by-step guide to manifesting money in 21 days
  • Starting a mental diet to achieve your money goal FAST! 
  • Uncovering your money story + why it's been difficult
  • Clearing the scarcity & shame about your financial past 
  • Overcoming your self-sabotaging patterns with money
  • Rewriting a new empowering money story that sticks
  • Setting new financial setpoints for earning, debt & more
  • Dissolving your debt without severe restriction
  • Scripting, affirming and visualizing your goal into reality
  • Creating your rich identity & living in the end state
  • Getting into the state of receiving more money
  • The balance between natural action & surrendering
  • Reframing the doubt with certainty and confidence
  • Developing a deep sense of trust, security and support
  • Crafting a FUN yet potent daily money practice
  • And soooooo much more!

So if you are ready for quit your incessant money struggle once and for all, then I can't wait for you to read my 150+ page ebook on exactly how to do it all!



Who is QTMS suited for? Beginners to money mindset work, newbies to my style of teaching and anyone who is familiar with money mindset work but wants a refresher or would like to go through a structured 21 day guide.

What's the difference between the QTMS ebook and the QTMS bundle? The ebook is the starting point for everyone new to money mindset work and my work, the bundle is the continuation from the ebook and dives deeper into the topics discussed in the book.

Do I need this if I've bought your other money programs? If you have already purchased one of my money programs, you don't need this. You have already learned the process in some way shape or form. The only reason you'd want to buy this is to get the new updates and new lessons on some of the content and to have the information in ebook format.

What is the refund policy? Because of the digital nature of the product, there are no refunds after purchase.

Any questions, contact us!
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What you'll learn the book:

The EPIC story on how I quit my own money struggle

Starting a mental diet to achieve your money goal FAST!

Uncovering your money story + why it's been difficult

Clearing the scarcity & shame about your financial past

Overcoming your self-sabotaging patterns with money

Rewriting a new empowering money story that sticks

Setting new financial setpoints for earning, debt & more

Dissolving your debt without severe restriction

Scripting, affirming and visualizing your goal into reality

Creating your rich identity & living in the end state

Getting into the state of receiving more money

The balance between natural action & surrendering

Reframing the doubt with certainty and confidence

Developing a deep sense of trust, security and support 

Crafting a FUN yet potent daily money practice

And soooooo much more!

Everything you'll get:

My step-by-step 21-day guide to manifesting money

150 page ebook filled with personal stories + homework

Over 44 money mindset & manifestation exercises

A full guide on how to start your own daily money practice


  • The pre-sale ends on Friday 20th September
  • The ebook will be sent to everyone on Friday 20th Sept
  • The pre-sale special offer is $27 (normally $47).
    Use code: QTMSPRESALE

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xQuit The Money Struggle Ebook$47

All prices in USD